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Sunday, 29 September 2013

Penubuhan Sekolah Tamil Baru Adalah Satu Mimpi Di Bawah Kerajaan BN

Kenyataan Media YB V.Sivakumar Ahli Parlimen Batu Gajah pada 25 September 2013 di Dewan Rakyat, Parlimen Malaysia

Adakah kerajaan benar- benar serius untuk menubuhkan sekolah- sekolah Tamil yang baru di negara kita? Banyak janji-janji dibuat sebelum pilihanraya bahawa kerajaan bersedia untuk menubuhkan sekolah- sekolah Tamil jika ada keperluan di tempat- tempat tertentu. Tetapi, bolehkah janji ini dipercayai? Apakah status 7 sekolah Tamil baru yang dijanjikan oleh kerajaan?

Setakat  ini tidak ada apa-apa tindakan kerajaan yang serius dalam membina sekolah Tamil di negara ini. Ada bukti- bukti sejarah yang menunjukkan bahawa negara kita pernah memiliki lebih 1000 sekolah Tamil. Hari ini, yang masih kekal hanyalah sebanyak 523 sahaja.

Hampir 50% Sekolah-sekolah Tamil telah ditutup di bawah pentadbiran Kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Kerajaan memberi pelbagai alasan untuk penutupan sekolah-sekolah itu. Antaranya ialah migrasi masyarakat India dari ladang- ladang ke kawasan bandar dan separa bandar mengikut peredaran masa.

Ini menyebabkan bilangan murid-murid semakin berkurangan dan akhirnya kerajaan terpaksa membuat keputusan untuk menutup sekolah- sekolah tersebut. Ini mungkin satu jawapan yang logik dan rasional. Tetapi, migrasi kaum India ke kawasan bandar dan separa bandar meningkatkan populasi mereka di situ. Oleh yang demikian, adalah wajar untuk mmembina sekolah- sekolah Tamil di kawasan bandar & separa bandar yang mempunyai penduduk kaum India yang ramai.

Berhubung dengan perkara itu, saya telah menanyakan satu soalan lisan di Dewan Rakyat pada 24 September 2013. Soalan saya adalah seperti berikut :

" minta Menteri Pendidikan menyatakan sama ada Kementerian mempunyai niat untuk menubuhkan sekolah-sekolah Cina dan Tamil yang baru. Jika ya, adakah Kementerian mempunyai rancangan untuk membina sekolah Tamil di kawasan Jelapang yang mempunyai lebih kurang 20% kaum India"

Kerajaan memberi satu jawapan yang putar belit dan mengelak. Ini membuktikan kerajaan tidak serius dalam menangani isu ini. Berikut adalah jawapan kerajaan :

" Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia amat mengambil berat akan keperluan sekolah untuk semua kaum.  Kementerian juga sentiasa berusaha menyediakan kemudahan pembelajaran yang terbaik untuk semua kaum. Permohonan penubuhan sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan mengikut keperluan komuniti sesuatu kaum sentiasa diberikan perhatian serta pertimbangan yang sewajarnya oleh kementerian dari semasa ke semasa. Walau bagaimanapun, penubuhan serta pembinaan sekolah tersebut adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan pihak pengurusan tertinggi kerajaan"

Jawapan ini menimbulkan  banyak persoalan yang mencurigakan.

1) Adakah kerajaan benar- benar mengambil berat akan keperluan untuk membina sekolah-sekolah  Cina dan Tamil? Berapakah jumlah sekolah Cina dan Tamil yang telah dibina di negara kita sejak kemerdekaan?

2) Adakah benar Kementerian Pendidikan menyediakan kemudahan pembelajaran yang terbaik untuk semua kaum? Kalau benar, kenapa kita masih mempunyai sistem dua aliran yang berbeza iaitu sekolah bantuan penuh dan sekolah bantuan modal?
3) Betulkah kerajaan menubuhkan sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan mengikut keperluan komuniti sesuatu kaum? Kalau betul, bolehkah kerajaan senaraikan semua sekolah- sekolah jenis kebangsaan yang dibina mengikut keperluan komuniti sejak 10 tahun yang lalu.

4) Kementerian Pendidikan menjawab bahawa penubuhan serta pembinaan sekolah tersebut tertakluk kepada kelulusan pihak pengurusan tertinggi kerajaan.  Siapakah pengurusan tertinggi itu yang dimaksudkan itu?

5) Kenapa Kementerian Pendidikan tidak menjawap soalan spesifik saya mengenai rancangan untuk membina sekolah Tamil di kawasan Jelapang yang mempunyai lebih kurang 20% kaum India?

Ini membuktikan kerajaan tidak ada rancangan untuk membina sekolah jenis kebangsaan di kawasan- kawasan tertentu walaupun terdapat jumlah  kaum tertentu yang ramai dan mempunyai keperluan.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

TAMIL School FAITH cant be CHANGE?

                Arun Dorasamy
 Yesterday, I was talking to a professional that was very passionate about COLORLESS policies and I happened to find-out he didn't even registered.

We spoke about a lot of issues and he seems to be quite informed then average jokers. Few issues that rose and i put it here in tablet form for easy understanding:- This is typical voice of many of those out there;- If offending .. i am sorry but I am not sorry of saying it.

1) Why cant we see our self as Malaysian and forget about Indian and shit like that?

My Answer : Bro, Malaysian is one country that institutionalize discrimination thru Constitution and till we get away with it there will be two Malaysian : Bumi and Non-Bumi. Those advocating COLORLESS policy is ready to repeal this clause? Article 153; AT this point PAKATAN too must work on affirmative action to do catch up work on Indian community that felt far back.
Ultimately we should move towards colorless society but at this point all our problems are color coded and we need to undo thru color coded system. Period. Indian Msian issues are unique to Indian Msian of 8% and not 92% of Malaysian.

2) Why the hell Tamil schools are still back ward? Where got enough RM100Mil infra structure fund and many politician jokers all generously helping themselves with that fund.

My Answer : Brother, TAMIL school will never going to be ahead of time or better if Indian community waiting for others to take care the TAMIL Schools. Chinese's get only about 50% of their help from Government or less and they own almost 75% of their asset with 100% community supporting in all their doings. While Tamil School gets most of their help from state and Indian Community is not behind it. RM100 per household a year will create RM42Mil/Years for Tamil Schools fund. can we? Astro have about 300K Indian Superscription ( including business) which cost annually at least Rm750 : Total RM225Mil from Indian Msian community.
Bro, when was the last time you have donated to your favorite Tamil School and when was the last time you donated to a temple. He could recall tipping the "gurukal" and Tamil School obviously none. Temples are siting on cash pile of more then RM250Mil with assets more then 1.5B, Indians are more then willing to nurture temples and fight for it then Schools. We have about 200 plus school in the danger of being shut because of enrollment. Anyone fighting to work on enrollment, providing transport and etc? How many Temple is working as funding wing for Tamil Schools. But we are the vigorous critics when come to Tamil Schools or will get very emotional if someone talks about TAMIL Schools.
TAMIL School will never or for that matter any vernacular schools will never excel if there is no support from the particular community.

INDIAN have to" jaga tepi kain dia sendiri " rather then blaming the GOVERNMENT for their WEAKNESS.
I am sure we can easily raise RM100Mil a year for TAMIL School upgrades : Infrastructure, Relocation, Teachers Training, Student Scholarships, Special Programs, Sports, Books, and etc.
We wont do it because we are scared someone will misuse the money. Well, that is not the ANSWER for our shortfalls. In 10 years we can have upgraded infra structure and quality of education in Tamil school with RM1B injection. All government fund is a BONUS for launching Tamil School ahead of TIME.
Or we can start a MRSM type of school with RM50Mil that will house the best UPSR Tamil students and Rm15Mil to school them for 5 years fr 350 the best minds. Why and what are we waiting, begging and pawning our dignity to get help from government for? because we know we are incapable to do it our-self but it is easier to blame others or push it to others. Simple!!...We want result but dont want to do hard work... how? We are the cause of catalyst of our condition and the other took advantage of it. that all.

3) Then bro you guys, NGOs do something lahh

My Answer : I laughed and Our people "kita ni jaguh bersorak sahaja". When call them to show thru action none will show up. Many of those very active in social media is NOT even REGISTERED or join any NGO actively to contribute. Then how? One individual change will is the thrust of family change and community ; , NIAT, we are working on SINDHA model Fund mobilizing with Prof Dr Rajen. Lets, hope it will get support from the ever "negative minded" community. We will keep trying and play our role. But the biggest hurdle for us - NGOS is not the agencies or government or discrimination of any sort. IT is non informed or non-unite INDIAN MSIAN themselves.

While having LUNCH the conversation turn to Parliament.........

4) Why dont we accept the results like what YDPA is advising.

My Answer : Bro, again accepting because of FEAR or POWER is wrong... accepting for the sake of truth it is right. So, YDPA is preaching a good way? We have 30 Protest pending before court and why should we accept the results? I think YDPA should not get involve in preaching on accepting GE13 results at all if His majesty decided to stay away from politics. He never answered the rakyat's called for help, NIAT itself we sent memorandum to him.

Dear Brothers and Sisters........

Please consider helping TAMIL SCHOOLS thru anyway possible and get involve otherwise TAMIL School is the LAST remaining identification of HISTORY that we have and we are capable of safeguarding and nurturing it. Government can never safe TAMIL SCHOOLS. It is you and me.... we can do so......

We faulting others for our inability. STOP IT and ACT Upon it.

Thaiyei Nesipom... TAMILAI Swasipom.. Tamil PALLIYEI Yaasipom.